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Addition of Fire Station 4 to Wylie

In case you missed it, I was in the audience at the City Council meeting this week where the addition of Fire Station 4 was APPROVED! This will greatly help reduce response times to our citizens and will ensure a higher level of coverage for all of Wylie.  In addition to this and along these lines are great efforts from our Fire Chief Brandon Blyth and team writing there own grant requests in order to help reduce the City of Wylie's burdens on the tax payers for much needed equiptment and updates.  As a result the City of Wylie fire department is the 2nd in the nation to obtain an Augmented Reality Extinguisher Training System, second only to the United States Air Force.  This allows for better training through simulation and reduces the costs of suppression and clean-up.  Way to go WYLIE FIRE DEPARTMENT!!


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